Meet Ashley Neese

Author. Mother. Teacher.

The day I gave voice to the scared, shamed, and broken parts of myself and acknowledged, out loud, that I had an alcohol and drug addiction problem was a defining moment in my life, a radical step towards the embodiment I had been running from since childhood.

It was the first time I admitted that I couldn’t do my life alone anymore, and I needed help.

What I learned all those years ago as I embarked on my journey in sobriety changed the course of my life, not only because I received support for my recovery, but also because I learned the essential truth that healing cannot happen in a vacuum. It set me on my path to discovery, and ultimately study and teach, the deeply transformative power of the breath, somatics, and capital “R” Rest, with an important emphasis on community and integration.

Regenerative Breathwork™

My approach and unique methodology is a combination of gentle breathing, Somatic Experiencing©, and relational processing.

These modalities are woven together to create a safe, approachable and transformative framework for healing, built upon years of study in the field of somatics, family systems therapy and transpersonal and feminist psychology models. I draw from this deep well of resources to guide people into their bodies where they learn, despite their programming, how to orient their nervous systems in a new direction, opening up to a world of possibilities and a way to thrive in life, relationships, work, and parenting.

Over the last 15 years, I’ve had the great privilege of helping many thousands of people with crippling anxiety, exhaustion, boundary setting, emotional regulation, grief, anger, overwhelm, and chronic stress. These practices saved my life, and my hope is that you too can find the relief and depth of joy I've discovered by implementing this toolkit into your everyday practice.

  • "While I was nervous going into the session, there was nothing about working with Ashley that made me nervous. I released so much emotion during our time together that I didn't even realize I was carrying. The breathing exercises we did were incredible and very easy to learn. I would recommend Ashley’s work to anyone who is willing to confront the demons they are trying to hide. She is brilliant at providing a space that makes that confrontation feel possible and safe. It’s important to note that you will likely be tired post session however, I wouldn't change a single thing about the experience, it was remarkable. Thank you for your warmth and non-judgemental witnessing Ashley."

    — Julia P. L

  • "I was ready to work with Ashley. I felt very safe and open to talk about whatever I needed to during our sessions. I felt real, tangible shifts when I worked with Ashley. I would recommend Ashley’s breath sessions to anyone needing an energy shift or who is feeling stuck in their lives."

    — Natalie

  • "My only hesitation about working with Ashley was the cost, but it has definitely been worth it, no question. I really appreciate how non-judgmental and supportive Ashley is during our sessions. I’ve received numerous benefits from her breathwork and somatic inquiry practices, at the top of my list are: newfound clarity in my life, the ability to safely release emotions both my own and those I inherited through my lineage as well as the capacity to ground and regulate my nervous system with consistency. To anyone interested in working with Ashley, be prepared to go deep. Ashley’s methodology is truly transformational, nuanced, and unlike anything healing modality I’ve ever tried including therapy."

    — Liz A

Ready to feel more connected, clear, and resourced?

Let's work together. Ashley is available for public events, private workshops, partnerships, and more.